
University of Copenhagen

Why synthetic data?

Danish health data registers represent a gold mine of vital knowledge with a unique potential to improve collective health and develop world-class personal health solution as well as aid in the development of personalized medicine, innovative solutions and new treatments for the benefit of many patients. At present, several legal, regulatory and organizational issues are severely restricting the access to and use of health data in Denmark and in the other Nordic countries

SHARED project group:

“...the healthcare sector urgently needs to develop new solutions, but this requires sharing data more flexibly. Synthetic data can help meet this need because they are based on original data cleared of any details that could be traced back to the original data and thereby the people who provided them,”

The goldmines of health data

The benefit of synthetic data is that unlike de-identification of data synthetic datasets are non-reversible but keep their statistical properties and thereby eliminates the threat of re-identification. The new synthetic datasets can thus be used for research that links data across multiple related datasets that would normally be inaccessible together due to data privacy restrictions and GDPR.


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